Jefferson County Jail Ministry
The Jefferson County Jail Ministry is an association of over 80 church congregations that have come together to effectively bring ministry into the Jefferson County Jail.
A true partnership with the Jefferson County Sheriff' s Department and volunteers going into churches encouraging participation and expressing the opportunities and hope for bring real change in the lives of those imprisoned.
The ministry exists to assist member churches, and any that wish to join, in performing ministry for the inmates in the Jefferson County Jails. We minister to over 1,200 county inmates weekly.
First seek the counsel of the Lord I Kings 22:5
We are called to:
- Be equipped with the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
- Know how to find the appropriate Scriptures that God can use to lead another to insight and victory.
- Apply Scriptures to today's problems, presenting Biblical truths that enable us to discover what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of others
1st. Attend Jefferson County Jail Ministry Orientation, scheduled 3rd Saturday, January, March, May, & September
2nd. Must be a member of a church in good standing
3rd. Be in agreement with the Jefferson County Jail Ministry Faith Statement
4th. Commit to serve 2 hours per month.